(587) 441-6820 admin@BackAlleyRange.ca

Confidential Fraud and Honesty Tip Line

integrity,Please use this page with discretion. This is not a feedback page. This page is for reporting serious issues such as intentional fraud, misappropriation of company funds or assets, violations of the corporate non-disclosure agreement, and other serious matters.

Bartons Management is committed to honesty, integrity and conducting business in an ethical and professional manner.

This area may be used to report an issue you have witnessed that you do not feel comfortable talking to your manager or supervisor about. It is confidential and will deliver a non-traceable email to Steve Allison, Owner and President of Bartons Big Country and Bartons Back Alley Range.


13 + 11 =

Alternatively, you may call 250-767-0979 or 1-877-859-3422 and leave a confidential voicemail on our TIPS line. The voicemail will be delivered confidentially and securely to Steve Allison.

A written complaint may also be submitted by mail to:

Steve Allison
4478 3rd Street
Peachland, BC
V0H 1X7

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